Monday, June 8, 2015

Amy Carmichael-God Gives The Best Presents

By Mary Vee
Year: 1894 
Amy Carmichael: 27 years old

From Amy's Journal

Photo Courtesy

My name is Amy Carmichael. I am a missionary helping the Barclay Buxton family and other missionaries here tell the people of Japan about the God who loves them.

Not long ago, I felt ready to travel to nearby villages and serve God there.  My interpreter, Misaki San, and I prepared for the journey. We left for Hirose today. 

Before I left the Buxton's home, I prayed, asking God what He wanted me to do in Hirose. When I finished praying I had the feeling God had one specific person in mind to hear the Gospel. I prayed for him or her and told Misaki San the news.

She suggested we tell the other missionaries. "They would pray for us while we're gone," she said. 

It was a good idea. I told Mr. Buxton and the other missionaries. They immediately knelt and prayed.

We hired a rickshaw, pulled by a Japanese driver. On the way to Hirose, Misaki San told me the people living in that village worshipped Buddha. They strongly believed in the Buddhist ways and may not listen to what we say.

Only God could help us with this problem. I prayed the entire trip, asking God to show me the person I should speak to and to give me the right words to say.

The trip was long and bumpy. I was very thankful when we finally arrived. 

Misaki San and I stretched our legs. The little village had beautiful trees, quaint stores, and clean streets. On one street I saw a young girl weaving silk. She looked up as we passed and rubbed her eyes. 

"Do you have time to talk?" I asked.

She set her work down. "Yes. I'd like a break."

As I told her about Jesus, her eyes widened. She listened to the words Misaki San translated. She asked how she could have Jesus as her Savior. We helped her pray. 

We must have talked for at least an hour. I told her about one other Christian in the city. They could meet together and study the Bible. She smiled and said she wanted to start tomorrow.

On our ride home, Misaki San and I retold the story of the silk weaving girl who accepted Jesus as her Savior and praised God. We couldn't wait to tell the others what God had done.

I wanted to go back to Hirose the next day. Sadly, I became ill and had to stay in bed a whole month before I was well enough to travel again.

This wasn't the only present God gave me, though. 

Come back next time. I have much more to share!

Resources used for this series:
Benge, Janet, and Geoff Benge. Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 1998. Print.
Davis, Rebecca Henry. With Daring Faith: A Biography of Amy Carmichael. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones UP, 1987. Print.
Dick, Lois Hoadley. Amy Carmichael: Let the Children Come. Chicago: Moody, 1984. Print.
Meloche, Renee Taft., and Bryan Pollard. Amy Carmichael: Rescuing the Children. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 2002. Print.
Wellman, Sam. Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned to God. Uhrichville, OH: Barbour Pub., 1998. Print.

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