Friday, December 20, 2019

The Lost Coin

By Mary Vee
Luke 14


Jerusalem, Photo by Mary Vee

My name is Peter. I am a disciple of Jesus.

Jesus told this story shortly after a group of Pharisees grumbled about his last story. You can read it in my last post. 

Jesus began his story with this: "Suppose a woman had ten silver coins. One day she counts the coins and finds only nine. 

Wouldn't she light all the lamps and look in every corner of her home? Take her broom and sweep the whole house? Open cupboards and drawers? Move furniture, checking every inch of her home, searching for the one lost coin?

And when she finds it, wouldn't you suppose she would call her friends and neighbors and say, "Look! Rejoice with me! I have found my lost coin!

In the same way, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.

Come back to read the next story.

*Note from Mary Vee: If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section. I will see them and will answer as best I can or direct you to a source.


*A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study, An Analytical Synopsis of the Four Gospels by William Arnold Stevens and Ernest DeWitt Burton, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 1932
*New International Version, New King James Version. 
*My Bible College training.
*My notes and walk through classes I've taught in Children's church. Answers to student questions, etc.
*Pastoral sermons on this time
*Matthew Henry Commentary
*F. LaGard Smith Commentary
*My notes from my trip to Israel.
*Photos from my trip to Israel.

Friday, December 13, 2019

You Are The One Special Sheep

By Mary Vee
Luke 14


Jerusalem, Photo by Mary Vee
My name is Peter. 

Today's story started shortly after a group of tax collectors and "sinners" gathered around him. 

When Jesus began to teach, the Pharisees and teachers of the law, who were also there, muttered, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." They scowled.

Jesus heard what they said. In response, he told this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them."

The men stopped grumbling and listened.

"Wouldn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?"

Others standing in the crowd nodded.

"And when he finds the lost sheep, wouldn't he joyfully put it on his shoulder and go home calling out to his neighbors and friends along the way saying, "Look! Be happy with me. I have found my lost sheep!"

Jesus looked to the hills where a flock of sheep followed their shepherd. "In the same way, there will be more celebrating in heaven because of of sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

I wasn't surprised that the Pharisees and the teachers of the law grumbled and left. But the other men and women in the crowd stayed to hear more of what Jesus would say. 

Come back to read the next story.

*Note from Mary Vee: If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section. I will see them and will answer as best I can or direct you to a source.


*A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study, An Analytical Synopsis of the Four Gospels by William Arnold Stevens and Ernest DeWitt Burton, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 1932
*New International Version, New King James Version. 
*My Bible College training.
*My notes and walk through classes I've taught in Children's church. Answers to student questions, etc.
*Pastoral sermons on this time
*Matthew Henry Commentary
*F. LaGard Smith Commentary
*My notes from my trip to Israel.
*Photos from my trip to Israel.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Can Salt Be Made Salty Again?

By Mary Vee
Luke 14


A road north of Nazareth, Israel
Photo by Mary Vee
My name is Peter. 

I am here to tell you some stories recently told by Jesus. 

I and the other disciples walked with Jesus from village to village. Most of the time, curious crowds came and followed Jesus with us. 

Jesus often stopped and let the people gather near while he spoke. Jesus frequently explained new teachings with stories. 

Here is one of the stories told by Jesus. This one is called the Parable of Salt.

"Salt is good, right?" Jesus asked those listening.

The people in the crowd quickly agreed. Salt preserves, enhances flavors, and much more. True.

"If the salt loses saltiness, how can it be made salty again?" He asked.

This was a difficult question. One no one from the crowd seemed to have considered in the past. If the salt loses saltiness, we simply get rid of it. But Jesus asked how can it be made salty again. This, the people in the crowd didn't know. And in truth, neither did I.

"The bad salt can't be used for the soil or the manure pile. It has to be thrown out."

Jesus told each story for a reason. So the people would understand, He often ended the parable with "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

I remember Jesus saying His disciples are the salt of the earth. From this, I think He meant we are to teach others what we've learned from Him. If we don't study His word, or follow His ways we can lose our salt. 

Well, I can figure out what this parable of the salt means from this. 

Come back to read the next story.

*Note from Mary Vee: If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section. I will see them and will answer as best I can or direct you to a source.


*A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study, An Analytical Synopsis of the Four Gospels by William Arnold Stevens and Ernest DeWitt Burton, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 1932
*New International Version, New King James Version. 
*My Bible College training.
*My notes and walk through classes I've taught in Children's church. Answers to student questions, etc.
*Pastoral sermons on this time
*Matthew Henry Commentary
*F. LaGard Smith Commentary
*My notes from my trip to Israel.
*Photos from my trip to Israel.