Glady's Thoughts
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photo courtesy SamHakes |
I won't be able to meet you in Tientsin. Mr. Lu will bring you to Yangcheng
I looked at the other side of the paper hoping to find more instructions, but it was blank. Mr. Lu came through the back door. He bowed. "Miss Aylward, so nice to meet you. I will take you to Yangcheng. Are you ready?"
Actually, I felt exhausted and wanted a bath, some fresh clothes, maybe a few hours sleep. "Um, yes. I'm ready."
We boarded a crowded train. I knew I shouldn't be picky, but the compartment had lumpy seats and the train bounced up, down the whole trip. I felt more seasick on the train than on the ship I just left.
When the train stopped in Peking, Mr. Lu arranged for rooms at an inn for the night. I grew exicted to take a bath and change my clothes. I stepped into my room and found no bath, or sink to clean myself. The room smelled aweful. I barely slept that night.
The next morning Mr. Lu rushed me to our bus. We traveled on paths too narrow and bumpy for the bus. Huge rocks poked through the ground which threw the bus around. I grabbed onto the seat in front of me to keep my balance.At times I could look straight down the mountainside. I didn't know if we'd tumble over the edge or not.
The bus spashed through rivers and creeks. I think he thought the road went underwater!
Once we arrived in Teschchow, Mr. Lu took me to a mission station to rest. The next morning he helped me climb on a mule. "This mule litter will take us to Yangchen, Miss Aylward." I smiled on the outside and trembled on the inside. I'd never ridden a mule before. I didn't know if I could stay on one.
I can't believe I thought the bus rocked too much. My mule wobbled much more. My back hurt, my legs hurt, my everything hurt. I felt bruises on top of bruises. I rode that mule for two days through mountain ranges and many rivers. My clothes held the cold river water freezing my bones. I asked poor Mr. Lu, "How much longer?" at least a hundred times. He always smiled and answered, "Not much further, Miss Aylward."
Late on the second mule day, Mr. Lu stopped in front of a gate. "This is Yangcheng."
The next minute, an older woman came to the gate. She had to be Mrs. Lawson!
Next week, I'll tell you what we did.
Gladys Aylward
I was so glad to come across your blog. I love reading about Gladys Aylward. As I am writing this, I am watching the movie "The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness" for the 3rd time! Her story is so inspiring, and it is good to see that I am not the only one still intrested. Thank you for sharing.
P.S. I have not looked over your entire blog yet, but I hope you may also have information on Jeannie Lawson. If not, maybe you know who does. Either way, I am glad that I found this blog.
In Christ, Sherri
Thank you Sherri. How nice of you to stop by. I don't have a lot of information about Jennie. What little I've notice in my research about Gladys centers around her later years and home going. If you email me or message me on fb we can talk more about Jennie.
Inspiring...I'll share it with kids, so that they will know WHO loves them!!
Thank you Isa. Gladys said throughout her missionary time that she wanted the people to know the God who loves them. Thank you for continuing the work, Isa.
I must have missed the part of Glady's story about Jeannie Lawson, makes her story a little more believable that she was actually going to someone else, though that begs the question of Miss Lawson's story, which I was hoping to find out more about as well, so I may email you as well, though realizing been a while since that offer was extended - wow
Donna, If you email me, I will do the research and give you the answer.
Dear Mary Vee,
THANK for your nice blog which recalls the heroes who serve God in foreign land .Really,I appreciate it may God bless your ministry, thank you again.
Hi, I am looking for information on Jeannie Lawson. Does anyone have any more details? Please email to or connect with me on facebook.
Thanks, Gretchen Smith
I'm reading Glady's story and wanted to know more about Jeannie Lawson. Do you have information about her?
Sue Brown (Xiamen, China)
To all interested in Jeannie Lawson, I only have the information given from Gladys Aylward's works. Read through these stories here on my blog to learn what you can. As for the movie the Inn of the Sixth Happiness, as in many movies, there are many inaccuracies, but the points are there.
We do know that Jeannie was a godly woman who endeavored to tell the Chinese people about the God who loved them. She used creative means that would enable her to communicate the Bible to as many people as possible. Her idea for the inn was innovative. By her example, she taught Gladys, the much younger missionary who came to help, how to creatively tell the Chinese people about the God who loves them.
Gladys then used the position of foot inspector to reach people in remote villages, including other inventive ways.
Both women were loved and respected by the Chinese people they met--because they first showed love and respect.
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