Saturday, April 25, 2015

Jeremiah-No One is Near To Comfort Me

By Mary Vee

From Jeremiah's Journal

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My name is Jeremiah. I am a prophet, a person sent from God to give messages to the Israelites who still live in Jerusalem.

Most of the people are gone. 

I've never heard this eerie silence in the streets before. 

I warned the people that God would punish them as He said, but they were persuaded by the false prophets who told them nothing would really happen. The false prophet's lies convinced the people they didn't need to do as God commanded.

And now they are gone. 

Marching in chains. Prisoners of the Babylonian army. Soon to be slaves to the people of Babylon. 

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My eyes overflow with tears. No one is near to comfort me. No one is here to restore my spirit. The men and women who once lived here are destitute because the enemy has won.

Not one of the countries that surrounds us has offered to help. Instead they all think the people of Judah are evil and deserve this punishment.

The enemy entered our sanctuary, places the people of Jerusalem were not even allowed to go. They took the treasures intended for God and laughed at the destruction.

And now when Jerusalem sees they have sinned greatly, it is too late. The city has fallen and there is none to comfort them. The roads to Zion mourn the loss of her people because no one comes to celebrate the feasts. The gateways are empty. The city is in bitter anguish.

All the splendor of Jerusalem is gone because of the sins of the people. Joy is gone from our hearts. Our dancing has turned to mourning.

Woe to us, for we have sinned.

I cannot see from all my weeping. I am tormented within. My heart is poured out on the ground because my people are destroyed.

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The false prophets misled the people. They listened.

The enemy makes fun of us and cheers.

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.

I will say to myself, in all this trouble, I will wait for the Lord.

Though he brings punishment, he will show compassion. So great is his unfailing love.

O Lord, you took up my case. You redeemed my life from the false prophets.

Sadly, though, the people are gone.


1.  What did Jeremiah warn the people
2.  What did the false prophets say?
3.  Who did the people believe?
4.  Where did the people go and why?
5.  Why did Jeremiah weep?

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