Monday, August 19, 2013

Hudson Taylor-Stephan's Changed Life

By Mary Vee
Year: July, 1864-65 
Hudson Taylor: age 32-33

From J. Hudson Taylor's Notes

While it is true we have had many trials, I can't help but share the good moments. Everyone needs encouragement, right? Whether you are on a foreign mission field, or living in your home country doing the career God has given you, you are a missionary, one called by God to share His good news to the people who work with you.

Stephan Barchet was a German who didn't realize the importance of sharing God's love to whomever he met. He left his country and traveled to England to take part in the grand social life. 

While visiting England someone gave him a copy of the booklet The Lord's Dealing with George Muller. He buried it under other papers on the nightstand in his hotel and went out to the city streets to have fun. That night he met a new friend who also loved the social life of the city. They went wherever people gathered for a good time. 

The next week, Stephan went by himself around the city. Late that night, he knocked on his friend's apartment door. "You simply must join me. I found a wonderful place to go, it will be a lot of fun." His friend didn't open the door. Stephan knocked again. "Wake up, let's go out on the town." When his friend didn't answer, Stephen opened the door a little ways and called to his friend again. He glanced at the floor and saw his friend laying there, dead. Stephen called for help, but it was too late.

Having fun in the city no longer sounded like a good idea. Stephan walked back to his hotel and thought about his friend who love to have fun. "Where would I be if I'd died like that?" Inside his hotel room he bowed his head, saddened not only by his friends death, but by what he'd done with his life. "I've done nothing!"

He prayed for God's mercy then pulled opened a Bible and began to read. He stopped only to pick up the booklet about George Mueller and read a few pages from there. The next day he came to one of my meetings. He listened to the message telling how God loves him and the need for missionaries in China. Afterwards he came to me and said, "I feel called to go to the mission field in China. I have no commitments and want to begin studying the Chinese language and medicine immediately."

Who was I to say no? By inviting Stephan to join our studies, I could watch him for the sincerity of his decision. He worked diligently and learned quickly, never straying from his decision. 

In March, 1865, we received word two spaces opened aboard a ship due to set sail for China. Those working with the trainees thought about who was best prepared to go. We decided together to choose Stephan Barchet.

Stephan's face brightened when we told him the news. He tried on some Chinese clothes and laughed. "I am really going to China!" 

The next Sunday, we went to a church on the West End of London and told them about Stephan. The people attending the church had little money. Many barely had enough to provide food for themselves. Yet, the church as a whole agreed to provide the support for Stephan to go to China.

He boarded the Corea for the six month trip to China. Praise God for sending this man who had changed so deeply.

Please pray for all missionaries to have a strong conviction to carry out the work God has called them to do.

J. Hudson Taylor
Missionary to China--home, in England--wishing I could be in China
Blessed by God

Photo courtesy of

Research resources: J. Hudson Taylor, An Autobiography by J. Hudson Taylor; It is Not Death to Die, a new biography of Hudson Taylor by Jim Cromarty; Hudson Taylor Founder, China Inland Mission by Vance Christie; J. Hudson Taylor, A Man in Christ, by Roger Steer, and Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret by Dr. &and Mrs. Howard Taylor.

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