Monday, July 8, 2013

Hudson Taylor-Roller Coasters and Sharp Turns

By Mary Vee
Year: 1860 
Hudson Taylor: age 28

From J. Hudson Taylor's Notes

The New Year brought exciting events. My wife, Maria; co-laborer, John; and I rose early and stayed up late daily doing the work God had called us to do. And the blessings poured in.

Taking over the hospital for Dr. Parker (who took his family home to Scotland after his wife died), had been exciting, and, in truth, tiring. I didn't have the medical qualifications to do all he did, but I tried my best. My nearly completed medical school training and common sense were my skills.  

The news I am bursting to tell you is the tremendous response to the Gospel in China. I have heard from other missionaries of the revivals in North America and Europe and of course this excited my soul. But the revivals have not stopped there. 

Here in China men and women are listening to the Gospel and turning away from their idol worships. Not one or two, but many have claimed Jesus as their savior. Absolutely nothing can stir the soul of a servant of God more than to witness a decision to follow Christ.

At the beginning of this year, the church, which John and I started, had twenty-one members. By February, twelve new souls wished to be baptized. Isn't that fantastic?

Most of the patients who came to the hospital are wounded citizens from the rebel fighting. One young man had been shot in the neck. An injury leading to death. We worked using the skills God had blessed and prayed over him as the days went by. We told him how much God loves him. And in time, the young man survived his injury completely. This is not the end of his story. Days later, the young man responded to the message of God's love. He turned from worshiping Baal and gave his heart totally to Christ.

Another man brought to the hospital had suffered horrible injuries to his legs. I didn't think he would live. I tried everything I knew but had to amputate both legs to stop the infection. Even then, he should not have lived. Yet God heard our prayers and saved the man's life, bringing him to full recovery. Those in the city saw the successful work of our missionary hospital and came to hear the messages about God.

I preached to the crowds of people several times each day in addition to my hospital work and loved the ministry, but it drained me physically. Maria, John and I were constantly exposed to the deadly diseases plaguing this city. We tried to stay healthy and prayed that God would keep us strong.

The long hours and exposure to disease wore on my health. Each day my illness bound me to my bed longer until I couldn't get up. A Chinese doctor came to me and advised I return home until I recovered. He said I may never recover, which means I may not be able to come back to China.

This news did not help me find a motivation to rest. I had prepared for a lifetime to work in China, knowing for a fact that God wanted me to live here and tell the Chinese people about the Truth about His love. I could barely breathe or hold back my broken heart.

On July 19, 1860 Maria and I reluctantly boarded the Jubilee with our belongings and waved goodbye to our beloved Chinese friends. William Berger, the one who had supported my work, sent the money for our boat passage to England. 

The only blessing I could find on the long journey on the sea was my fellowship with Wang Lae-djun, a Chinese Christian who volunteered to go with me to England. We plan to translate hymns and other books into Chinese on the days my health allows.

Oh, dear God. Please don't let this be the end of my time in China. I love you and want to return to the work you sent me to do.

Please pray that the Lord will send missionaries to help with the work so I may rest and heal in peace. 

J. Hudson Taylor
Missionary to China
Blessed by God

Do you have any questions?

Photo courtesy of

Research resources: J. Hudson Taylor, An Autobiography by J. Hudson Taylor; It is Not Death to Die, a new biography of Hudson Taylor by Jim Cromarty; Hudson Taylor Founder, China Inland Mission by Vance Christie; J. Hudson Taylor, A Man in Christ, by Roger Steer, and Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret by Dr. &and Mrs. Howard Taylor.

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