Year: 1885
Hudson Taylor: age 53
From J. Hudson Taylor's Notes
Cambridge Seven Part 3
Cambridge Seven Part 3
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C.T. Studd was one of the 'Cambridge Seven'. Young men who willingly gave up any future fame, a life of ease, and wealth, all to serve Jesus in China.
Studd may have known he should go to China from the first second the idea came into him mind, but his family.... Well, that was a different story.
Studd grew up in a huge house. His family had lots of money and gave him the finest clothes, took him to all the big events, cooked the best foods, and made sure their son had all the best.
His mother planned for Studd to marry a girl from a wealthy family, settle down, and start his own family.
When she received word from her son that he planned to go to China, she didn't think this was the best idea. He could get sick. Who knows what poverty he might have to see? Why he might get dirty or not have what he needs. No. This wouldn't do at all.
She also couldn't understand why C.T. sold all the things he had once loved and gave the money to China Inland Mission. Unheard of!
As part of C.T.'s preparation for China, he and the other six men training to go as missionaries had to spend time in the poorest parts of England. He saw what people really didn't have. He and his friends were saddened about the runned down buildings, little food, dirty faces. He never knew about them.
He wrote a letter to his mother, telling her he felt ashamed for the way he lived. "I have so many suits and all kinds of clothes, while many people right here in England are starving and are freezing in the cold. I want everything sold. Everything.
His mother didn't want to follow the instructions, but did anyway. She thought, "At least the money would all go to Hudson Taylor." But C.T. said to give the money to the mission for all the missionaries to use.
His mother wrote a letter to the mission. "I am thankful my son has had advice from an older man. At least Hudson Taylor is sure to keep my son dressed appropriately. The way he is acting, who knows what rags he might go about in when he goes to China. This would be terrible."
HIs mother wrote a second letter. This time to Hudson's wife, Jennie. "Dear Jeannie, Please be sure to watch C.T. Talk to him and let him know the importance of taking with him everything that is necessary to be comfortable in China. He seems to want to take very few things, hardly enough to last. And what will he do for cleanliness in the hot weather? He is young and needs proper advice."
Poor C.T. His mother even sent a trunk to China before C.T. left filled with all the items to properly prepare a room for him. Things like curtains, silverware, napkins, and all sorts of other items she felt were necessary.
Yes, Poor C.T. He loved his mother, but he needed to be a true missionary to China. One who does not have more than the love of God. The rest he needs to depend on God to supply.
Come back next time to see what happens with our Cambridge Seven.
J. Hudson Taylor
Missionary to China--Inland China!
So Very Blessed by God
Research resources: J. Hudson Taylor, An Autobiography by J. Hudson Taylor; It is Not Death to Die, a new biography of Hudson Taylor by Jim Cromarty; Hudson Taylor Founder, China Inland Mission by Vance Christie; J. Hudson Taylor, A Man in Christ, by Roger Steer, and Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret by Dr.and Mrs. Howard Taylor
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