Saturday, January 9, 2010

Laban Meets Jacob

By Mary Vee

Genesis 29:13

Laban looked up from his work and saw his daughter, Rachel, in the distance. Why isn't she at the well with the flock? Hmmm. She's coming home! He squinted to see if she was hurt.

She has a smile. She's laughing! What is she so happy about?

He set his sharpening stone down. As Rachel came closer, Laban suddenly remembered the day, a long time ago, when his sister, Rebekah, ran home in the same way. He rubbed his back and continued to watch Rachel.

Laban's other daughter, Leah, came out of the house. "Father, I brought you something to drink."

He gulped down the drink then laughed.

Leah tipped her head. "What's so funny?"

Laban pointed toward the road at Rachel. "Your silly sister. She reminds me of the day your aunt Rebekah ran down that very road. Your aunt had a dream she would one day marry a prince. Of course I never believed her. What prince would marry my crazy sister?"

Leah sat near him "Did she?"

"You want to know if she married a prince?" Laban handed her the empty cup. "My sister? The one who played jokes on me?"

"Tell me, Father. Did she marry a prince? What happened the day she ran down the road?"

Laban rolled his eyes. "OK, OK, I'll tell. My sister went out to water the flock, like Rachel did today. Suddenly your aunt ran back to the house laughing and twirling. I thought she forgot the flock. It wasn't the first time I had to help her, you know."

He glanced at the road where his younger daughter, Rachel fluttered about then he turned back to Leah. "That sister of mine swirled around a tree then danced over to me jingling her arms in front of my face. I couldn't figure out what she was doing. She pulled me into the house then announced to the family who she met."

Leah pressed her hand to her cheek and smiled. "Who did she meet?"

"Rebekah had the most amazing news. Your grandfather nearly choked when she blurted out the servant's message from grandfather's uncle Abraham. Just like that, she became engaged to Abraham's son, Isaac. The next day she rode off to marry the prince she always dreamed about."

Jacob sighed. "I finally realized Rebekah was leaving, that night at her party. Maybe, I'd never see her again. I made her a promise. If any of her sons needed help or a place to live, they could come to my house."

He looked up as Rachel ran the last few steps to the house. She took a deep breath then giggled. Laban stood. "What's wrong, Rachel? Why aren't you with the sheep?"

She tucked her chin down and smiled. "You'll never guess who's at the well."

Laban shook his head and held out his hands. "Who?"

Rachel danced in a circle. "Jacob. Aunt Rebekah's son, Jacob is at the well at this very moment! And guess what?"

Laban looked toward the road, half listening to his daughter. Rachel moved in front of him. "I think he wants to marry me."

Laban stepped around her and ran to the well. "Jacob! Jacob! You are welcome here. Come to my house."

What a surprise Laban had that day! He couldn't wait to talk with Jacob to hear news about his sister and the rest of the family. It's exciting to meet new family members for the first time. Perhaps someone in your family had a baby or got married. Maybe you met a new cousin for the first time. How did you feel? Did you talk a lot? Did you want to know more about the new family member?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes i do have a new faimly member his name is carter and my mom is pregnat again ilike to talk a lot about them

love chloe