Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful for Beginnings Part 2

By Mary Vee

Genesis 1:20 - 2:3

By the end of day 4 God had made the heavens and the earth; waters above and waters below; dry land; grass, plants, and trees; and the sun, moon, and stars.

On day 5, God made tons of living creatures in the waters and flocks of birds to fly above the earth. That means God made tiny zoo plankton and huge whales, minnows and sharks, sea anemones and dolphins, giant leviathans and piranhas, and "every living thing that moves in the waters" for you.

God knew you needed all the living creatures that He made in the waters to live. Why would you need a shark? (hint: web of life) Will you thank God for the creatures that live in the waters? When you thank Him, please tell Him how you use them.

On this day, God also made the sparrow and the ostrich, the peacock and the raven, the emu and the toucan, the dove and the owl, and "every winged bird." Can you name two more birds? He knew you needed winged birds to live. Will you thank God for them, right now? When you thank Him, please tell Him how you use them.

After God made the water creatures and the winged birds, He blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let the birds multiply on the earth."

The birds and water creatures obeyed God. Now we have lots of birds and water creatures. :)

On day 6, God made living creatures to live on the land. He made ants and giraffes, sloths and cheetahs, hyenas and monkeys, dogs and cats, and every living creature according to its kind. He knew you needed the animals to live. Will you thank God for them, right now? When you thank Him, please tell Him how you use them.

There is more! God wasn't finished!

God made people. He said, "Let them be in charge of the fish, birds, land animals, and over all the earth."

God made a man and a woman and He blessed them. "See, I have given you what you need." God knew you needed other people to live. Will you thank Him for them, right now? When you thank Him, please tell Him what the special people in your life have done for you.

And so, God finished the job. He made everything.

On day 7, God showed you what you should do after you finish your work. Rest. He knew you would need rest to live. Will you thank God for rest, right now? When you thank Him, please tell Him how you use rest.

I named the little ground squirrel in today's picture "Peeper" for the sound he made when I saw him. He lives at a high point of Glacier Nation Park in the Rocky Mountains. God made him.

Thank you, God, for making the heavens and the earth.

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