By Mary Vee
Year: September -1939
Amy Carmichael: 70 years old
From Amy's Journal
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Everyday God's love could be seen.
I would like to get my mind off of the pain in my leg and back. Would you mind if I shared just one more story of God's blessing?
You wouldn't? Good.
Take a seat. This is a short one, but one that will touch your heart and remind you of the work God has done here at the Dohnavur Fellowship mission.
A long time ago, it has been about twenty-eight years since, a little girl came to the mission. She was adorable. Curly hair. A real cutie.
Her name was Kohila. She had a temper and was very strong. Our soft words did not tame her rough spirit.
Children came to the mission with anger or shy problems. All had been rescued for terrible situations. The poor little things didn't know how to live with the harsh memories from the time before they arrived.
Little Kohila was the same. She refused to share her room. She braced her arms in the doorway and held the frame tightly. Fortunately the older and stronger children understood. They had once been that way, too. The question became, would little Kohila overcome this anger?
Because she hurt other children and destroyed things, we placed her in a place on her own. To protect her as well as the other children. This seemed to start her healing process.
She listened to the Bible stories and watched the other children work with a happy heart. Soon she wanted to be like the other kids. She offered to do chores. She sang songs with the other kids as they worked. She became a happy child.
She stayed with us. I'm so glad she did. Her desire to learn more about Jesus grew by leaps. She studied God's Word, prayed, helped where ever needed and asked God to give her a passion for souls. What a sweet teen she became.
She chose to stay and work at the mission when she could have left. She grew into a lovely young woman with a strong desire to learn more about Christ and to live for Him. She studied nursing and became the head nurse at the hospital here at the mission.
One of her favorite duties was to decorate the room for the child celebrating her Coming Day. A while back I told about celebrating the day the child came to the mission to live. Most of the kids had no idea when there birthday was and there were no records to find out this information. Instead of celebrating a birthday we didn't know, we celebrated each child's Coming Day.
That morning, Kohila decorated the children's rooms who would be celebrating their Coming Day. One of the "kids", she was actually about the same age as Kohila, was celebrating that day. Kohila and she were best friends.
Kohila wanted to do something special for her friend. She told the staff she was going up to the Gray Jungle where there were these gorgeous purple flowers. They were special because they grew on a high, rocky slope. To reach the flowers, one had to make the dangerous climb. But her best friend was worth it. And she had climbed rocky slopes before. She knew what she was doing.
Kohila made her way up the rocks, grabbing carefully and finding her balance. The flowers were only a little higher. She took her time and placed her feet on firm rocks, pushing her higher. She reached, leaned farther and stretched her fingers until she had one in her hand. Kohila was so happy!
The brief distraction created a problem. She wobbled on the rock and slipped. She tried to grab onto another rock but it loosened and fell to the ground. The sky twirled above her head. She fell backwards to the earth.
When the staff looked for her, they found her with the precious flower in her hand. Sweet Kohhila lived to the age of twenty-eight and had been such a precious gift from God to us. She is with Jesus now. I will miss her giving and kind spirit. One that helped heal other children who came with the same problems.
Come back next week to read more of Amy Carmichael.
Resources used for this series:.
Benge, Janet, and Geoff Benge. Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 1998. Print.
Davis, Rebecca Henry. With Daring Faith: A Biography of Amy Carmichael. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones UP, 1987. Print.
Dick, Lois Hoadley. Amy Carmichael: Let the Children Come. Chicago: Moody, 1984. Print.
Meloche, Renee Taft., and Bryan Pollard. Amy Carmichael: Rescuing the Children. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 2002. Print.
Wellman, Sam. Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned to God. Uhrichville, OH: Barbour Pub., 1998. Print.
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