Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Job-"My Servant Spoke What Was Right"

By Mary Vee
From Job 3-39

From the Notes from Job

Photo Courtesy
I don't understand what has happened. For days I've sat in ashes trying to figure out what happened and what I should do.

My friends gave me their advice, but I knew they misunderstood. 

Then God spoke out of a storm. "What power or understanding or control do you have? Whom do you control or have authority over? What wisdom fills your heart? Will one of you correct the Almighty? Let the one who accused God answer!"

My hands shook then my whole body shook. I hardly knew what to say. "I am unworthy--how can I answer you?"

I could hardly breathe. 

God spoke again, "Brace yourself like a man and answer my questions." Then He reminded me of His power and control over everything. 

I answered, "I know that you can do all things. No plan of yours can be defeated. You asked, 'Who is this that clouds my advise without knowing what they are talking about?'" I closed my eyes. "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know."

I then said to Him, "You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak. I will question you, and you shall answer me.' My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you, therefore I hate myself and repent her in the dust and ashes."

God then said to my friend, Eliphaz, "I am angry with you and your two friends because you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has. Take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your foolishness. You have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has."
Photo Courtesy

I didn't know what to say. 

I watched Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar do what the Lord told them. I prayed for their souls, and the Lord accepted my prayer.

To hear the Almighty say I had spoken what was right overwhelmed me more than anything else. I was tired. So very tired. I think my respect for the Almighty's power kept me from getting up and dancing for joy. I just felt so overwhelmed. 

Still, on the inside, there was a glimmer of joy. A joy that came from pleasing the Almighty. This is something I always want to do. At any cost.


1. What did Job see when God spoke?
2. What did God tell job to do?
3. What didn't Job do after God spoke?
4. Who was God unhappy with? Why?
5. What did God tell those who did not please Him.

God had allowed this testing of Job to happen to prove to everyone what He expected from us. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Amy Carmichael-Oh How I Wish I Could Serve God

By Mary Vee
Year: December, 1894 
Amy Carmichael: 27 years old

From Amy's Journal

Photo Courtesy
My name is Amy Carmichael. I am a missionary. I am a missionary in--well, it's difficult to say where at this time. Here, I'll tell you what happened.

I went to Ceylon and served in a mission there for about four months before receiving a letter from the man who had cared for my family since my father died. Poor Robert Wilson had suffered a stroke.

I booked a passage to Italy then took a train across land toward England because it was faster than the ship. I was afraid I would miss speaking with Mr. Wilson before he went on to glory. 

The trip, though, wore me down terribly and by the time I reached London and saw my mother. I collapsed in her arms. It was the day before my birthday, December 15th . Once again, I ended up in bed for several days. By December 21st, I had gained enough strength to visit Mr. Wilson.

Imagine my joy when I head he was recovering! We went to the library in his home and had tea. There, I told him all about my time in Japan and Ceylon. His face brightened with each story. 

When I finished, he clapped his hands together and said, "You must write this down in a book. The words would inspire so many people and cause them to pray and support missionaries there."

I hadn't thought about it. What a great idea. It gave me something to do while I cared for Mr. Wilson and it would help me to remember what God has done in those lands. "Yes, I'll do it."

He sipped his tea. "I've just had a marvelous idea. My son William has quite an artistic gift. Let's ask him to draw some pictures to go with your book."

I thought for sure William would say no. We never really did get along. But, to my surprise, he agreed, and he smiled! 

Several months later, the Marshall Brothers of London agreed to publish the book. They titled it, "From Sunrise Land," a book to pray for those in Japan who do not know God loves them.

For the rest of my winter in England I hardly knew what to do with myself other than to care for Mr. Wilson. I thought about how I'd failed as a missionary. My health did not let me work well in Japan and I struggled so much to learn the Japanese language.

I tried to think about good things to lift my spirits. Like, while I worked in Ceylon I felt better and I learned the language in a short time. Maybe I could be a valuable missionary in some place after all.

I didn't know where or when, but I knew God wanted me to serve Him. The wait, though was very difficult. Oh, God, I would love to serve you, please show me where I can.

Resources used for this series:
Benge, Janet, and Geoff Benge. Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 1998. Print.
Davis, Rebecca Henry. With Daring Faith: A Biography of Amy Carmichael. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones UP, 1987. Print.
Dick, Lois Hoadley. Amy Carmichael: Let the Children Come. Chicago: Moody, 1984. Print.
Meloche, Renee Taft., and Bryan Pollard. Amy Carmichael: Rescuing the Children. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 2002. Print.
Wellman, Sam. Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned to God. Uhrichville, OH: Barbour Pub., 1998. Print.

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Let Amy hear from you!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Job-What I really Needed From My Friends

By Mary Vee
From Job 3-39

From the Notes from Job

Photo Courtesy

I don't understand what has happened.

I am a logical thinker. If the rules are followed and the work is done, AND if you take extra steps to make the project even better, then, logically things should work out right.

During my life I have been blessed so much and I am thankful. But, and yes, there is a but, at this minute, I wish I had never been born.

In one day everything, my animals, my servants, my children, all had been taken away or murdered. My heart aches beyond description.

God has blessed me and I will always praise Him.

The next day, painful sores broke out on my body from my head to my toe. There is nothing that could ease the pain. I could think of nothing to do but to sit by myself and think.

Oh, if only I had not been born.

Three friends of mine Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar came yesterday when they heard the news. They sit with me, not saying a word. Seven days have passed. I appreciate them for coming, but can't find any words to say. What is there to say?

I refused to blame God. This is not His fault. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. 

I just don't understand and can't find any words to say. After seven days I finally speak to them. "I have no peace, no quietness. I have no rest, only turmoil."

I had hoped they would be understanding, offer comfort in some way. But they do not. They don't understand what I am going through. They say they knew what I am thinking, what I have done wrong, AAAH, they don't understand at all!

I finally say to them, "A despairing man should have the devotion of his friends...but my brothers are as undependable as a stream that does not flow when the crops need it. Leave me alone!"

But they do not. They take turns giving me counsel that is all wrong. They don't understand! They don't know what I as thinking or how I feel.

Eliphaz said, "If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored...."

See? How can he say this when he knows I have been faithful and dedicated to God. I did not walk away from God. "The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom, and to keep away from evil is understanding," I said. "Oh how I wish for the days when God's intimate friendship blessed my house. When the Almighty was still with me and my children were around me. When I could rescue the poor who cried for help and the fatherless who had no one to help them. But now everyone mocks me."

No one helps me at all. I hurt so much. My body burns with fever and my skin grows black.

"If I have done wrong to anything or anyone, then send my punishment."

Then God spoke out of a storm. "What power or understanding or control to you have? Who do you control or have authority over? What wisdom fills your heart? Will one of you correct the Almighty? Let the one who accused God answer!"

My hands shook then my whole body shook. I hardly knew what to say. "I am unworthy--how can I answer you?"

I could hardly breathe. I'll have to finish telling you what happened next time.


1. What happened to Job
2. What did his friends do wrong?
3. What didn't Job understand?
4. Who was there the whole time, who knew Job's heart, who really cared?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Job-My Friends Came When I Needed Them

By Mary Vee
From Job 2

From the Notes of Eliphaz, Friend Of Job

Photo Courtesy
My name is Eliphaz, I am a Temanite. I have known Job for a long time. We've spent a lot of time with our other friends, Bildad who is a Shuhite and Zophar who is a Naamathite. We get together a lot and talk about all kinds of things. I'd say we four have a strong friendship.

A messenger came to us and said terrible things happened to our friend Job. All of his sheep, oxen, and donkeys were stolen, many of his servants killed by invading armies, and his children--all of them--died in a terrible wind storm.

I sent word to Bildad and Zophar to meet at my house.

"What can we do?" Bildad asked.

"Should we take him a meal?"

I nodded. "Yes that would be a good idea. But I think he will be too sad to eat."

"That's right. I heard he also has painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. The poor man must be in so much pain," said Zophar.

"Should we take a balm to sooth his pain?" asked Bildad.

"I don't know. If I were him, I think I would like to know my friends were close, but not have to talk to them," I said.

"Yes, that is exactly how I'd feel," said Zophar.

Bildad folded his hands and held them close to his lips. "I think we should go to Job and do what you said, We will sit there as long as he needs and not say a word unless he speaks first. We'll be there to comfort him as friends."

We set out on our journey to find Job. After quite a walk, we saw him from a distance. Usually we could recognize him right away, but not this time. I couldn't stop myself from weeping. Zophar and Bildad wept, too. 

We walked to him and tore our robes and sprinkled dust on our heads then sat on the ground with Job for seven days and seven nights. 

Not one of us said a word to him, because we saw how great his suffering was. Our poor, dear friend, Job. How could this have happened to you?


1. Name Job's three friends.
2. Did they live in the same neighborhood as Job?
3. What did they decide to do when they got together to talk about Job?
4. What did they do when they saw Job?

Monday, July 20, 2015

Amy Carmichael-It's Hard to Keep Peace With Those Not Here

By Mary Vee
Year: July-November, 1894 
Amy Carmichael: 27 years old

From Amy's Journal

Photo Courtesy
My name is Amy Carmichael. I am a missionary currently in Ceylon. I arrived in August. I can't believe how much can happen in four short months.

To my great surprise the language spoken by the people here, Sinhalese, is easy for me to learn. I understand more of this language than I did studying the Japanese language in the fifteen months I spent there. 

And--quite to my surprise--I am feeling better. I don't have to spend weeks resting in a bed not working. The weather and climate here seems to agree with my health. I wake in the morning, take a deep breath and pop out of bed ready to serve God.

That's the good news. Life, I've already learned can't be all chocolate cake. Since I've been here I've received some disturbing news. 

My dearest friend and translator from Japan wrote me. I could see her tears on the stationery telling how much she's missed me and wants me to come back. A second letter came from Mr. Barclay Buxton, the man in charge of our mission in Japan. His letter says, "What a void you left!" Which meant I left an empty space. No one is doing what I had done.

While I like feeling important, I know I can't go back to Japan. My doctor says, "Under no circumstances should you try to go back to Japan. Your health will turn for the worse, and who knows, you could die." 

My heart is broken as I picture Misaki San reading my letter that would tell her I can't come back and could she please send the rest of my belongings here to India. We are such close friends.

To make matters worse, a letter from Robert Wilson in England arrives. "You are a missionary of the Keswick Mission Committee. We are the ones supporting you and we are the ones who must approve where you go. Do not officially join any mission house without our permission."

This letter upsets me even more than Misaki San's. I couldn't wait even a day before sitting down and writing him and my mother. I explain to both of them the importance of the work here in Ceylon. That God clearly has called me to serve here and I am following His calling. I have a doctor's letter. I am learning the language quickly and my health is better. Surely, God wants me to serve here.

Wow! Being a missionary involves keeping the peace with people who don't even live in the same country where I work.

Sadly another letter arrives on November 27, 1894. It is from Robert Wilson's son. Do you remember that my father died and Robert Wilson gave me a home and a job as his secretary, then helped me prepare for the mission field and even has supported me? Yes, this Robert Wilson has suffered a stroke and is terribly ill.

I have to go home to England. Sigh.

Resources used for this series:
Benge, Janet, and Geoff Benge. Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 1998. Print.
Davis, Rebecca Henry. With Daring Faith: A Biography of Amy Carmichael. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones UP, 1987. Print.
Dick, Lois Hoadley. Amy Carmichael: Let the Children Come. Chicago: Moody, 1984. Print.
Meloche, Renee Taft., and Bryan Pollard. Amy Carmichael: Rescuing the Children. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 2002. Print.
Wellman, Sam. Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned to God. Uhrichville, OH: Barbour Pub., 1998. Print.

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Let Amy hear from you!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Job-The Accuser Attacks Again

By Mary Vee
From Job 2

From the Notes of an Angel

Photo Courtesy
Here I am again, a second visit with you. I am an angel, a servant of the Almighty God. Praise His Holy Name.

I hope you've heard about our last meeting. It was terrible. Feel free to scroll down two posts to see what happened.

Anyway, the other angels and I have a meeting with the Lord today. I sure hope he doesn't come again. You know who I mean, right? The Accuser? Satan?

Come on, I'll let you listen in on today's meeting. 

As angels we come to present ourselves before the Lord. We dress appropriately, sing praises, and present our very best. After all, God deserves it! 

Look! He is here! I can't believe it. All he wants to do is ruin someone's life. At the last meeting, the Lord told the Accuser that 'there was no one on earth like Job. Job is blameless and upright. A man who fears God and hates evil.' Satan received permission to test Job, but he was not allowed to hurt him.

The problem is, he came back again.

Shh, the Lord is speaking.

"Satan, where have you come from and what have you been doing?"

"I've been roaming through the earth, going back and forth, looking at all the people you have made."

Not again. He has already destroyed all of Job's sheep, oxen, donkeys, many of his servants, and he killed all of Job's children. I was very please with Job's response, though. He could have yelled at God like most people do. But he praised God saying, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away." What a man of God. 

The Lord said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him. He is blameless and upright, a man who fears me and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you took so much away from him AND without any reason. 

A terrible grin appeared on Satan's face. It didn't take him long to come up with something nasty to say. "Skin for skin!" A man will give all he has for his own life. But stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face."

The Lord said to Satan, "Very well, then, he is in your hands. But you must spare his life."

I shook my head. Job's faith was more than on the outside. In his heart lays a true love for God. He would stand strong in his faith no matter what happens.

Satan rubbed his hands together and left. He didn't waste any time. He sent painful sores from the soles of Job's feet to the top of his head.

I looked down on Job. The poor man sat in ashes. He took a piece of broken pottery and scraped himself with it.

Photo Courtesy
Job's wife cried, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? What is the matter with you? Curse God and die!"

Then Job said words that caused me to smile. He said to her, "You are talking like a foolish woman. Do you think we should accept good from God and not trouble? Why?"

I do feel sorry for Job. But I also am proud of him. I've heard it said, in all that happened, Job did not sin in what he said.

I sure hope Satan is satisfied and leaves Job alone.


1. Why did Satan do horrible things to Job?
2. Do bad things happen to good people?
3. Do all bad things happen because we are bad?
4. Why do you think God lets bad things happen?
5. What did Satan do to Job?
6. What did Job hold on to?
7. What did Job's wife say?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Job-Shocking News From His Servants

By Mary Vee
From Job 1

From the Notes of Job's Servant

Photo Courtesy
I am a servant.

Even though I am a servant, I consider myself a privileged man. I work in the land of Uz for a man named Job. Everyone around here knows and has seen that Job is a blameless and upright man. I've never seen a day when he hasn't shown his fear of God and shunned evil. I wish I could be more like him.

One day when my master's sons and daughters were enjoying a feast at the oldest brother's house I saw another servant running to our master's house. 

I called out to him because he looked very worried. "Do you need help?"

"No. I must hurry. The oxen were plowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby. All seemed well when suddenly, the Sabeans attacked us and carried all the animals away. They killed all the servants there with swords, and I am the only one who has escaped." He wiped sweat from his face. "I must hurry and tell our master."

This is such terrible news. We had no warning of an attack. The oxen and donkeys all taken? And the servants--killed? I bowed my head and wept for their families.

As he crossed over the hill another servant came running. He too had a very worried look on his face. "Do you need help?" I called.

"No, I must hurry. Fire came from the sky and burned up the sheep and the servants. I am the only one who has escaped to tell our master. I really need to hurry."

The poor man smelled of smoke. How is it that the sheep have all been killed at once? And the servants--what a horrible way to die. Tears filled my eyes. All these men, dead. So much in one day. How will Job be able to endure all this news?

The servant crossed over the hill toward the main house. Just as he did yet another servant ran past. "Do you need help?" I called. Please don't let it be more bad news.

"No, I must hurry. The Caldeans formed three raiding parties and swept down on the camels. They carried them away after killing all the servants with their swords. I am the only one who escaped."

Again? I didn't know what to do. Should I leave my post here with his children to help at the main house or stay? I wanted to speak with my master but chose to stay here and do my duty.

Suddenly a powerful wind swept in from the desert. It was like a wall of sand pushing toward the oldest brother's house where all of Job's children sat feasting. I ran toward the house to warn them but didn't reach it in time. The wind struck all four corners of the house. It collapsed on them.

I ran to the wreckage and picked up pieces, calling out to each son and daughter of my master. No one answered. I kept pushing through the debris until I saw them, laying on the floor, dead.

I couldn't breathe. I called out, "Help!" There was no one alive to help. 

I ran to my master's house. "Please, let me through. I must speak to the master."

Job lay on the floor weeping. "Master."

"You have news?" His head shook and he wept some more. "Go ahead. Tell me."

"Your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house, when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead. I am the only one who has escaped to tell you."

What my master did next caused me to weep horribly. He stood up and tore his robe. He shaved his head and fell to the ground in worship of the Almighty God and said,

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised."

In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God for any wrongdoing. Oh, if only I could be that strong.


1. What did the first servant report?
2. What did the second servant report?
3. What did the third servant report?
4. What did the fourth servant report?
5. What did Job do when he heard this news?
6. What was said about Job's response?

Monday, July 13, 2015

Amy Carmichael-He Raised His Machete, Ready to Kill Me!

By Mary Vee
Year: July, 1894 
Amy Carmichael: 27 years old

From Amy's Journal

Photo Courtesy-a machete
My name is Amy Carmichael. I am a missionary helping--well, at this point that is exactly what I am doing. I am helping.

Helping to unravel a big mess.

The three young female missionaries at the Ceylon mission had no clue what to do after their leaders died of malaria. They assumed God had sent me to take over the mission. 

I was the same age as they were and only had the fifteen months of missionary work in Japan to my name. And I had a fever. And I needed to rest before I did any work.

None of this mattered. The missionaries were still so excited to see me. They practically jumped up and down with every word I said. 

They took me to the mission and gave me food and drink. They showed me to a room where I could rest. They offered to get me anything I wanted. Anything!

I smiled. What else could I do? They were so sweet to me. When I woke, I found a tray of food waiting for me. I called the three women. "Tell me what you have been doing here at the mission."

While I ate, the missionaries told me about their work. "Most of the people who live near here practice Buddhism and speak Sinhalese. We three speak the language fluently."

"Good. Now, for the next few days, continue doing the work as before. By then I should feel well enough to help."

Smiles burst on their faces. "Yes, you rest. We will care for everything."

I knew they would. They had such love for the work and only needed some organization.

Days later I learned a lot more about the three missionary women. While we were cooking, a man barged into our house. He had a large machete in his hand and waved it in the air ready to chop one of us. 

"You told my wife to accept Jesus as her Savior!" 

Actually, they didn't. They explained God's love to his wife and she, on her own, chose to ask Jesus as her Savior.

I watched the three other missionaries and did what they did. We knelt on the floor, closed our eyes and prayed without saying a word to the man. After a prayer, I couldn't help looking to see where he went. He was standing right over me with the machete in the air, ready to come down on my head!

I closed my eyes again and prayed, "Dear God, please be merciful to me. I trust in you even in these dark shadows until all the trouble has passed."

I took a deep breath and found the courage to look at the man. Praise God, he was gone!

Resources used for this series:
Benge, Janet, and Geoff Benge. Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 1998. Print.
Davis, Rebecca Henry. With Daring Faith: A Biography of Amy Carmichael. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones UP, 1987. Print.
Dick, Lois Hoadley. Amy Carmichael: Let the Children Come. Chicago: Moody, 1984. Print.
Meloche, Renee Taft., and Bryan Pollard. Amy Carmichael: Rescuing the Children. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 2002. Print.
Wellman, Sam. Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned to God. Uhrichville, OH: Barbour Pub., 1998. Print.

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Let Amy hear from you!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Job-The Day the Angels Met With God and The Accuser Tagged Along

By Mary Vee
From Job 1

From the Notes of an Angel

Photo Courtesy
I am an angel, a servant of the Almighty God. Praise His Holy Name.

Every so often we angels come before the Lord to present ourselves. Even the Almighty God knows the importance of good communication. Quite truthfully I enjoy coming before the Lord. I just love to praise His name!

This time, though, The Accuser came to the meeting. I don't know why, but I didn't like him there.

The Lord said to The Accuser, "Where have you come from?"

The Accuser, whom we also call Satan, answered, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it. I have been looking at all the people you have made."

Great, I wondered who he was about to stir up trouble. 

The Lord said to Satan, "Have you thought about my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him. He is blameless and upright. He is a man who fears me and shuns evil."

I had noticed Job's faithfulness to the Almighty. Not only does he worship the Lord everyday, but he also offers sacrifices for the sins of his children for the times they may forget to offer sacrifices on their own. Yes, Job is a man who worships God faithfully.

Satan tipped his head. It didn't take him long to come up with something nasty to say. "So Job is faithful, is he? Haven't you put a strong protection around him, his household, and everything he owns? You've bless the work of his hands! Of course he is going to worship you. His flocks and herds are spread throughout the land because they are so great. I wonder, though, if you stretched out your hand and struck everything he has, if you will see that Job will surely curse you to your face."

I shook my head. Even I could see that Job's faith was more than on the outside. In his heart lays a true love for God. He would stand strong in his faith no matter what happens.

The Lord said to Satan, "Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands to do as you wish to test him. But, you are not to lay a finger on Job."

"No problem," Satan said as he left.

From where I stood, Satan looked a little bit too happy. I wonder what all he will do.


1. Where did this meeting take place?
2. Who all came to the meeting?
3. What human person did they talk about?
4. What did The Accuser ask of God?
5. What did God say?
6. What do you think will happen?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Job-Blameless and Upright

By Mary Vee
From Job 1

From the Notes of Job's Servant

Photo Courtesy

Even though I am a servant, I consider myself a privileged man. I work in the land of Uz for a man named Job. Everyone around here knows and has seen that Job is a blameless and upright man. I've never seen a day when he hasn't shown his fear of God and shunned evil. I wish I could be more like him.

Job has seven sons and three daughters. I've seen each one as newborns. Fine children they've each grown up to be. And Job does everything he can to help them learn to worship God.

Job also is a great manager of his possessions. Yes sir-ee  He has a good head on his shoulders. He knows how to breed his animals to have the healthiest head and give them the best care. At the last count, he owns seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred donkeys.

It takes quite a staff to keep everything running. There is a reason Job is so successful. His workers have the greatest respect for him because he is a kind and generous master.

I've even heard it said, Job is the greatest man among all the people of the East. And I believe it, cause I've lived here and have seen him live out his faith.

Now that his sons have grown up they've taken turns holding feasts in their homes. They invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. This is nice to see. They'd have such fun. Hah, I could hear them laughing out in the fields! It's music to my ears.

Whenever a feast ended, Job would send for his children and have them purified. He loved them so very much, he didn't want any of them to have sin in their heart. 

Early in the morning Job would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of his children. He once said, "Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts and I don't know." He wanted each one to stay faithful to God so he made it his regular custom to care for the sins of his children.

So you see, life is quite wonderful here on Job's land. I really like working for him.


1. Where did Job live?
2. What kind of person is Job?
3. Why did Job offer sacrifices for his children every day?
4. What did Job's workers think of him as a master?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Amy Carmichael-Malaria Killed The Missionaries In Charge

By Mary Vee
Year: July, 1894 
Amy Carmichael: 27 years old

From Amy's Journal

Photo Courtesy-Amy's route added to map
My name is Amy Carmichael. I am a missionary helping the Barclay Buxton family and other missionaries tell the people of Japan about the God who loves them.

At least that has been my job for the past fifteen months. 

I can't understand why I felt such a strong desire to serve God on a missionary field when I constantly experienced such terrible illnesses. The doctor in China diagnosed me with Japanese head. It was a name doctors randomly gave for these same symptoms experienced by many people. My only hope was to rest.

I bought passage to China and met with a doctor. He recommended I go to Chefoo in northeast China. The idea made me sad. 

Chefoo was where the China Inland Mission had a resort to help missionaries who suffered from illnesses. The location was cooler and dry in the winter. Sounded good, right?

Not really. The China Inland Mission had turned me down as a missionary when I was in England because of my health. By going there sick, they will tell me, "See, we were right." And send me back to England.

I agreed to go, even though I didn't want to. I hired a rickshaw to the mission office to make the arrangements. The woman in charge told me Chefoo had too many missionaries there, already. There was no more room. She offered to let me stay in their mission in Shanghai until I felt better.

I slept for a whole week before feeling well enough to pray. I asked God what I should do. Returning to Japan didn't seem like a good idea for my health.

I thought back to my trip from England to Shanghai and remembered the port in Ceylon. For several days all I could think about was Ceylon and the people there. My heart's one and only desire was to go there and help with the mission work. I didn't know if this was my illness speaking or if God really wanted me to go to India.

I visited William Cooper, the senior missionary in Shanghai and asked his advice. He listened while I shared my thoughts about India. He didn't discourage me from trying. In fact he spent time with me in prayer.

I wrote to missionary friends of mine in India and told them about my ideas then checked on the cost of a ticket to sail there. The price seemed reasonable. 

Some people probably called me impulsive. Maybe to them I was. I can't explain the strong desire filling my heart to go and serve God in India. On July 28th, I boarded a ship bound for Ceylon.

I'm not gonna lie, I had a high fever and felt terribly sick on the ship. I arrived on August 17th in need of another week's rest to fight my illness. 

To my surprise, the missionary couple in charge of the Ceylon mission had died of malaria on July 14th. The remaining missionaries prayed that very night and the days that followed for God to send them a new leader. 

They cried when they saw me. I was their answer to prayer.

Resources used for this series:
Benge, Janet, and Geoff Benge. Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 1998. Print.
Davis, Rebecca Henry. With Daring Faith: A Biography of Amy Carmichael. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones UP, 1987. Print.
Dick, Lois Hoadley. Amy Carmichael: Let the Children Come. Chicago: Moody, 1984. Print.
Meloche, Renee Taft., and Bryan Pollard. Amy Carmichael: Rescuing the Children. Seattle, WA: YWAM Pub., 2002. Print.
Wellman, Sam. Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned to God. Uhrichville, OH: Barbour Pub., 1998. Print.

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Nebuchadnezzar Died-His Son Released a Prisoner From The Deepest Dungeon

By Mary Vee
Jeremiah 52, II Kings 25

From Barach's Chronicle

Photo Courtesy

My name is Barach, I am the scribe for the prophet Jeremiah. 

Jeremiah was taken as prisoner to Egypt along with many other Jews. I am not sure if he is still alive.

I am including this last detail to close off Jeremiah's book.

Word has come to me that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon has died. He ruled his empire for forty-five years. During his reign he and his army invaded Jerusalem and took many prisoners, including the king, Jehoiachin.

Jehoiachin was an evil king and had taught the people of Judah to worship other gods even in the short three months he ruled. The Almighty allowed the take over of Judah as a punishment to the nation for worshipping other gods. Jehoiachin was put in a prison. The punishment, according to the Word spoken by Jeremiah and other prophets, was to be seventy years. Thirty seven years have passed so far.

The new king of Babylon is Nebuchadnezzar's son, Evil-Merodach - although I must add here that the Babylonians call him Amel-Marduk.

Apparently Evil-Merodach knew King Jehoiachin. Some Jews said that during the time Nebuchadnezzar lived in the fields with the animals, Evil-Merodach ruled the empire. When Nebuchadnezzar returned to the palace, he became upset with some of the things his son, Evil-Merodach did. Nebuchadnezzar threw his son in prison as a punishment. There, according to the Jews, he met and spent time with Jehoiachin. 

Other Jews said Evil-Merodach learned about the Jewish faith and the Almighty from Daniel who worked in the palace. 

I'm not sure exactly why Evil-Merodach had respect for Jehoiachin, but he released him from his sentence on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth month. Our calendar was different from your calendar today. So it wasn't really December 25th at the time.

The servants helped Jehoiachin change his clothes, bathe, and groom before going to the new king of Babylon two days later. Evil-Merodach spoke kindly to Jehoiachin and gave him a seat of honor higher than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon.

Evil-Merodach kept Jehoiachin in his circle, allowing him to eat at his table. Day by day, Evil-Merodach also gave Jehoiachin an allowance to buy what he wanted as long as he lived.

It seems God had given this gift to Jehoiachin showing that although we may have miserable days, God will always care for those who worship Him. So, maybe during Jehoiachin's time in prison, he remembered how to worship God and God alone.


1. How long did Nebuchadnezzar reign?
2. Who took Nebuchadnezzar's place?
3. Who did the new king release from prison?
4. What else did he do for this person?